“Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.” -Barack Obama.

We meet many people on our journey through life, but most of the time we do not notice them. Our lives can change significantly as a result of some of the people we meet along the way. When you meet a new person, you have the opportunity to make a new friend, a new partner, a new admirer, or a new enemy. Currently, I've met many people who have influenced my life in different ways. Here I am again, feeling like I am not wanted, feeling like I am worthless. And even though I am alive I am dead.

Perhaps it will work out. Perhaps it won't. But if it does, it'll make for a great story.

"Life is so perfect!" exclaimed every famous person on the web (not me). That is what they want you to believe. That is not how life works ,life always gives you surprises. Nobody's life is flawless. And that's fine! People will relate to you more if you are vulnerable. We like to see that other people are flawed in the same way that we are. You must be vulnerable at some point if you want to truly build a meaningful life. I left music and writing not because of anyone, it’s because as I tell there is a soul in everything and if you feel that soul is no more then leave it. Now I slowly regret the decision that I took a year back. We've all been wronged by someone at some point in our lives. It's time to move on.  Forgive them completely; you only harm yourself by holding on to your anger.

Nobody is perfect. Everyone, no matter how big or small fails at some point. When you first start writing, you are not a good writer; you improve from your mistakes. You may become frustrated with yourself, wondering what is wrong with you for not being excited about something that has previously brought you great joy. Things are not the same anymore so I have to get with the track, I am sure when this happens a lot of people will be happy, especially the ones who I have made cry a lot when all this happened.

“Guitar is the best form of self-expression I know . Everything else, and I am just sort of tripping around, trying to figure my way through life”. I started to play guitar in seventh grade and from that day onwards it was there with me till April 2021. Why till April 2021? That month was the month that I made a hard decision to keep that strings away from me for the rest of my way ahead, I just left all my passions behind my writings, my music, my strings, and all the best things that made Jo unique from rest of the others. From a very short-tempered person to a person who is silent in all aspects. Light started to fade away slowly and slowly from my very own mind of mine.  I used to write a lot those days and the thing is that I have stopped that too, many started asking me what had happened to you and there was short of answers in me in all the senses.

I have heard some say decisions made in a horrible moment will always haunt you somehow, I think that is very true in all senses because I had been experiencing this from the very moment onwards when I took up that horrible decision. My friends always asked me why I should drop all the best things that I used to carry with me. All those times I will just give a smile and used to walk away and they know that was the only answer that they are going to get from me. But they all wished me to be that old one who used to walk here and there with my strings. I wished that to happen and I was sure it will take time because I have to admit some things and should move on. Now things are really getting worse and I think I should get on track. Well, I am but give me some time I am on it will be back and I literally need it because now I am missing all those in one way or the other.

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you did not do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, and sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore, dream and discover the things that are yet to come into your wonderful life ahead. This is just the beginning of a wonderful journey ahead. Slowly the strings will start playing and the pen will start to write the best of the best words to describe the whole things that will go around me. 


                                                                                                                                   DATED 20/11/2022


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