"The Red Blood Stains "

  The Red Blood Stains

Small writing from the heart because, a small experience made me think of a lot of things and made me write this one for a lot of people out there, last week I was talking with my friend. She is working now and we talk almost daily, I was talking with her I never knew she was on her dates. When the talk went on silly things she started to fight with me without any reason, I asked her what was wrong with her; she just put a horrible smile on her face and told me you boys will never understand the things we go through at times. I was like what in the world is she talking about. She just hang up the call and went, after two days she called me and told me sorry for what had happened last day and this was the situation and such things can happen when she or any girl goes through this.

As a boy, the first thing that came into my mind was why should I bother about such things, and had a cheeky smile. This is what most of the boys do, that because most of us don’t know the pain our friends and sisters go through. It’s not our fault I would say it’s our society’s fault. There was an instance one of my friends told me “Da I am not well I am on my date so you guys can go I am not coming “At that time I did not understand how she felt that time but now I understand after my friend shouting and fighting with me.
Every girl experiences her dates differently, but for some people, they may result in mood shifts. Periods can be quite disruptive and challenging to manage for some people. While for some people they may just cause minor discomfort, for others they may have a significant impact on their mood. This is an experience of my friend, I asked her because I just want to write something for my friends out there that have been going through the situation. She also told me, No matter how your period makes you feel, treating yourself with kindness is crucial.

They experience spells of sobbing, impatience, and extreme lows and feel out of control. There seems to be no way out of feeling this way, and the excruciating physical discomfort makes it much more difficult to manage these difficult feelings. Maintaining perspective and remembering that these feelings will pass quickly can be challenging. A girl’s emotional and mental health both suffer throughout their period. Without being aware of the root cause, they are more prone to intrusive thoughts and negative emotions.
She told me the chocolate cabinet used to tempt her into comfort eating as well, making her want to eat everything she saw and struggling to know when to stop. Naturally, as her urges subsided, she would only feel uneasy and lethargic. She feel occasionally all alone because they think they are "too moody" to be around or because they want to be alone.

They can actually feel better after being active. They'll enjoy having you around; a small purchase might do wonders for their spirits. Being at their side will probably make them feel comforted and supported, even though they may only be window shopping and have no intention of making a purchase.

What a brother, boyfriend, or husband can do is just ask your loved ones Is there anything that you need   and see the happiness when you guys ask to them when they are  in pain





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